Park and open space are vital to the well-being of a community and its residents. Willimantic Whitewater Partnership’s vision includes a linear park system along the Willimantic River.
A goal of the WWP is to create a linear park system along the Willimantic River that unifies all three elements of our vision.
Trails featuring river-walks and river access will provide open space and views, as well as park space for art performance, open-air display space and promoting an engaged healthy community.The Bridge Street property consists of 3.4 acres of riverfront including the entire riverbed, as well as the breached dam in the river. The property is ideally situated to serve as a trail-head for the East Coast Greenway.
Development of the Bridge Street property into an attractive community park will provide a gateway into the city for hikers and cyclists and initiate the beautification of the north end of Willimantic.
Much work has been put into the park grounds over the years. With the help of a $200,000 EPA Brownfield grant, remediation of the property was completed in 2017.With donated money and the help of Windham Industries, a new fence was installed around the viewing platform of the dam, providing a safe lookout over the river.The site has poised itself to become the newest addition to Willimantic’s ongoing revitalization.